In partnership with the Provincial Government of Cavite – Persons with Disability Affairs Office and Center for Disaster Preparedness, CvSU-Gender and Development Resource Center conducted the webinar on “Orientation on Inclusive Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” last July 30, 2020 via Zoom.
Dubbed as “KASALI TAYO! Orientation on Inclusive Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management”, the webinar was attended by 33 female and 22 male participants composed of municipal and city Persons with Disability (PWD) Federation presidents, local focal persons on PWD Programs and Disability Affairs Officers, LGU and PDAO staff of the Province of Cavite.
Resource persons include Ms. Mayfourth D. Luneta, Deputy Executive Director of CDP, who presented the Philippine Disaster Situationer that served as her opening salvo in introducing the concept of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management; Ms. Eena Geslaine A. Barrun, National Focal Point for the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), who explained the salient features of Republic Act 10121 emphasizing that the said law intends to intensify disaster risk reduction management in the Philippines; Ms. Jocelyn Samson, Program Associate of CDP, who discussed the different terminologies in DRRM; Ms. Jelyn Gealone, Project Officer of Project Inclusive Data Management System (IDMS), who gave an overview on the different laws on disability; and Engr. Darlito Palermo, NAPC Council Member, PWD Sector Region XI, who discussed the current trends and issues affecting persons with disability. He further emphasized that including PWDs in the planning stage of DRRM will equip responders with the knowledge on how to respond and assist them when disaster strikes.
The webinar served as an eye-opener on the importance of ensuring that “no one is left behind” in times of disaster. CvSU administrators also participated with Dr. Lilibeth P. Novicio, Director for Extension Services, who welcomed the participants and Dr. Famela Iza Cabe-Matic, Dean of CCJ, who delivered the closing remarks. (Susan G. Tan)